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Ticks can be dangerous!
These simple tools can help keep you and your pets safe!

Yesterday I was training our youngster Quest alongside one of my husband Ron’s private students. I was getting her dressed in a protection harness to do some puppy prey work when I noticed what I thought were “eye boogers”! UGH!!! It was not, it was a tick. I DO NOT do ticks! I can do anal glands, placenta, vomit, assist in surgery, you name it, but ticks make my skin crawl!
I told Ron that Quest had a tick on her face. He said he didn’t have a tick removal tool with him, they were all at the house. However, his student spoke right up and said she had a Tick Key. She got it for us, and Ron was quickly and easily able to remove the intruder from Quest’s fuzzy little face!
Tick Prevention or Disease Protection?
The Great Debate About Ticks
Many veterinarians will offer their clients products to prevent and kill fleas and ticks. I’m neither an expert on these products, nor am I a veterinarian, however I am a concerned pet owner, and just like I don’t use toxins to control other pests in my environment, I choose not to apply toxins to my dogs. Instead we choose to vaccinate our dogs annually for Lyme disease. Thus the great debate! Consult with your veterinarian about the best choice for your pet.
Don’t be caught empty handed! Get the proper tools now!
Regardless of the prevention or protection route you take, if you see a tick on your pet, or yourself, you want one thing, and one thing only! REMOVE the parasite! The three products below are highly rated for safe and simple tick removal. I can tell you for sure, I’m ordering some tools to have on our key chains so they’re always handy.
The Original Tick Key
Hang this handy tick removal tool on your key chain, your dog’s collar, or leash.
Tick Twister
This tool removes ticks without squeezing them, thus ensuring no toxins go into your pet.
Tick Kit
A complete tick removal and identification kit. Keep this in your car, camp, or anywhere you would use a first aid kit! (Canadian Owned)
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