Dogs in Cars ~ It’s a HOT Topic!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How to travel with your dog in hot weather? It’s not impossible!

We’ve all seen the photos in the media, or heard about it on the news, and in some cases the interventions (vigilante justice) are justified. That said, for the most part, people are diligent about keeping their dogs in suitable conditions for the weather. The problem is, those conditions aren’t always obvious to those on the outside. Some vehicles won’t allow you to lock your doors if the motor is running, which means running the A/C is not necessarily safe. There are other options for keeping your pet cool. Portable air conditioners are becoming popular and more affordable.

Insurance vs Insurance

Letting folks know your pet is safe!

Vehicle Decal

Adding a few decals to your windows can act as a deterrent to overzealous animal lovers, saving you hundreds of dollars to replace shattered windows or damaged doors.

Our Top 10 Single Ingredient Dog Treats

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Healthy treat choices for your dogs.

Made in North America (Canadian Links, some products may not be available in the US)

Our favourite treats to buy for our dogs are those which have a single ingredient, made and sourced in North America.

Seaka LOVES the Freeze Dried Salmon from NutriBites!
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Simple Tick Removal for your Dog.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ticks can be dangerous!

These simple tools can help keep you and your pets safe!

Yesterday I was training our youngster Quest alongside one of my husband Ron’s private students. I was getting her dressed in a protection harness to do some puppy prey work when I noticed what I thought were “eye boogers”! UGH!!! It was not, it was a tick. I DO NOT do ticks! I can do anal glands, placenta, vomit, assist in surgery, you name it, but ticks make my skin crawl!
I told Ron that Quest had a tick on her face. He said he didn’t have a tick removal tool with him, they were all at the house. However, his student spoke right up and said she had a Tick Key. She got it for us, and Ron was quickly and easily able to remove the intruder from Quest’s fuzzy little face!

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Staying COOL in the DOG days of SUMMER!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our Top FIVE products to help keep your k9-kid cool

When the thermometer is peaking and the tongues are hanging, it’s important for your dog to keep cool! Sure you can hold the garden hose, or put ice treats in their water buckets, but our top five products accomplish cool k-9’s with minimal effort on your part! Sit back with a cold beverage and enjoy your dog’s antics.

Water Fun!

Splish splash I was Not taking a bath

We have four dogs; none of them are particularly fond of showers but they behave for them anyway. Three of our dogs are hose maniacs, but the other one hates it and won’t allow herself to be cooled by it. BUT, they all love to splish and splash in their own way. Check out the links below for our favourite water fun!


This splash pad is a blast! The bottom is thick and sturdy, and even when our dogs finally punctured it, it still works great because the purpose of this pool is not for deep water anyway. It’s awesome for our puppies too. No worry about drowning or exhaustion, they can easily run in and out.


Some dogs like to lay and soak, and that can lead to dirty water in no time! This collapsible pool is easy to clean, store, and serves many functions as well as keeping your k-9 kid cool!


Fresh water on demand! Our dogs would run the well dry, but fortunately, this item is sold with a two-way Y hose connector so you can turn it on or off as you wish.

Dry Cooling

Perfect for crate, kennel, or travelling


Keep cool anytime, anywhere! No electricity or freezing necessary. Durable and non-toxic!


Cool air and mist on the go! At home, in the car, in the RV at the campground, or where ever you travel with your pets. Keep them cool with a portable air conditioner. Many styles and power/charging options available!

Feeding; the best diet for your puppy!

Reading Time: 4 minutes

What and When?

From roughly 3 ½ weeks old, our puppies are raised on Kirkland Signature Puppy and I also like Iams Large Breed Puppy Formula.  By just over 5 weeks, they are no longer getting mom’s milk, they are strictly on kibble softened with hot water.  At 8 weeks old, they are on dry kibble with fresh water available.  They have also been cut back to three feedings per day, from the four that are necessary for them at the younger ages. 

From eight weeks old until about six months, a good schedule is three feedings per day, roughly at the same time of day. We like breakfast at 7:30 AM, lunch around 1:00 PM, and dinner around 7:00 PM.  You will obviously have to adjust the feeding schedule to meet your needs.  The first day or so in your home, your pup may not be that interested in their food.  Part of that will be that they are missing their littermates; competition at the food dish is one of the main driving forces for puppies to eat! 

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